Friday, May 26, 2017

A photo walk in Berlin

Berlin is a beautiful city that sends out gentle vibrations of assimilation to anyone who cares to receive. She still remembers the brutal past to ensure a happy present and future. This can be seen in all the architecture and monuments that dot the city as a reminder. Yet the bustling metropolis is abuzz with modern technology to continue a comfortable living today.
Join me for a photo walk in this magnificent city to get a glimpse of living history.

The Brandenburg gate was built in the 18th century on the orders of the Prussian King Frederick II. It is seen as a symbol of European unity and peace. For details click here.

An imposing structure that overwhelms was opened in 1894 and was the the meeting place for 'Imperial Diet' but was destroyed in a fire in 1933 and then by bombing during the 2nd World War. The restoration started in 1970 and by 1990 was almost complete. Now tourists can visit the building and go up to the glass dome. Details here.

The Holocaust memorial for the murdered Jews of Europe is an amazing work of art. This is a memorial of 'tombstones' representing Jews of all ages, big and small. More details here.

Formerly the Luftwaffe headquarters and feared even now as it houses the German Revenue Ministry.

Time for some yummy currywurst with bread. Currywurst is German fast food of sausages seasoned with curry ketchup (spiced ketchup). 

The famous 'Checkpoint Charlie' that was the name given by the Allied Forces to the best known crossing point between East and West Berlin during the Cold War. For more details click here.

Art from the world over on the famous East side gallery, a part of the Berlin Wall that was brought down in 1990 though this is preserved. Know all about it here.

This German Cathedral is a must visit for the history and art within apart from the amazing views of Berlin from the dome.

Beautiful Berlin viewed from the dome of the German Cathedral.
As I said earlier, this is but just a glimpse into an evolving Berlin.


  1. Beautiful write up with grand pics

  2. Hari OM
    This is a wonderful post Deepak... a real sense of the variety and vibe! YAM xx

  3. Thankyou for sharing the Berlin before video. I am able to enjoy your blogpost all the more!

  4. Nicely written. Recalled my visits to Berlin when I had spent a few months in Germany decades ago.

  5. So well written and beautiful pics :)

  6. Amazing how it changed in one day!


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