My rating: 3 of 5 stars
A book that I would carry to a dentist appointment or to read at the bus stop or in the security hold area while waiting for a flight. It has the abiiity to distract your from the rigours of waiting and keep you chuckling at how the world behaves.
It is a collection of thoughts that you might have surely thought but not penned hence it is more of an affirmation of the strange plastic world we live in and she has managed to put these thoughts forward with a great sense of humour.
It is a great book to be read in short doses as it doesn't have a plot nor is there any storyline but just a collection of snarky thoughts.
Here are a few gems to whet your curiosity and arouse your desire for more -
It's not good to be popu;ar at work because you will get assigned to the hard jobs first.
I have been cleaning my apartment all afternoon and will now enjoy the five minutes it stays that way.
I want to know why the most expensive furniture is also the ugliest.
All water has been pissed out of some creature at some point in time
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
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