Sunday, March 4, 2018

Free country - Book review

Free Country: A Penniless Adventure the Length of BritainFree Country: A Penniless Adventure the Length of Britain by George Mahood
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After P.G. Wodehouse, George Mahood.
George Mahood's humour is typically British and his writing keeps you in splits all the time, hence if you are reading this book in a public place, be sure to see some raised eyebrows around you as you guffaw!
This book is about his 'Penniless Adventure the Length of Britain' wherein he writes about cycling from the bottom of England to the top of Scotland without spending a penny, along with a friend. They depended on the goodness and generosity of the people on the way for everything (clothes, food, shelter and even cycles). As a matter of fact, they started out wearing just a mere pair of Union Jack boxer shorts!
The hilarious experiences en-route, rather he makes them so, when he relates them, are fun to read.
This book has the capacity to brighten up the gloomiest day.
By the way there is a town called Patna in Scotland! Ha! Imagining our very own Laloo Prasad Yadav gallivanting there!
Go guys! Buy this book! Give it a read and treat yourself to some real good belly laughs!

View all my reviews


  1. Hari OM
    Patna was established only in 1802 by a coal mine owner who wanted to provide good housing to keep the miners happy. His father had worked for the Brit. E. India Co. and the town is, actually, named for Patna in Bihar! I could do with a good giggle, so will look this one up. YAM xx

  2. I was looking for books with humour.. May be I will try this


  3. Now I have found your book reviews again. "Free Country" was a gift to a friend and ... a very welcome one. Thanks for this advice.


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