Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A tale of two sports..

12May2010 will be a memorable day in the annals of Indian sports.

Thanks to a tale of two sports - cricket and chess.

After being beaten out of the T20 cricket world cup, Dhoni ‘s reference to the Indian Premiere League (IPL) was ‘ players need to manage their time better between playing, attending parties and travelling.’ This thought has come a bit too late. Had it not occurred to the Indian team management earlier? Or is this like all other things in India. An attitude problem – ‘Let it happen and then we shall attend to it.’
We wait for accidents to happen, lives to be lost and then take necessary measures instead of pre-empting. It is always too little too late.

Thank Vishwanath Anand and his thoughtful moves, we have a World Champion in our midst. Anand not only outplayed Topalov, but also out-prepared and outclassed him. He won the 12-game series 6.5-5.5 to retain the title he won against Kramnik in 2008.
“He is a worthy world champion — one of the best to ever play the game,” said English grandmaster Jonathan Speelman, a one-time second of Kasparov.
Having won in every format — tournament, knockout and match — the Indian maestro can take that pride of place!


  1. Well, congratulations to your Indian chess champion!!! A battle of brains is something of which to be proud!

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  4. Nice post!!

    Also,Great to see embossed pik of Vishwanathan Anand with his victory news over a puny news item of India losing in WC20 on DH Website!!

  5. a good work....infact a great work has been done...keep growing


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